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wendys9994's Garage

1985 Toyota Celica GTS Convertible Base


2010-10-01 21:35:22
Mint Condition   . . . . .   
I purchased this car from a Toyota showroom in 1985. I kept the car till 1993. I then sold it to my father to purchase
a practical family car. He shipped it to Florida, put on a new black top and a fresh red new paint coat. He used it
minimally as a fun car as a snowbird. After his passing in 2000, the car sat in a garage. It has been garaged till
this past month, September, when I had it overhauled with new battery, belts, tune-up, tires. Still tons of fun to
drive and garnishes much attention. I am too old to truly appreciate the racing car feel of the old days - opening her
up on the highway and driving - seeing how fast, fast really could be... A true collector's dream. But for me, I need
a practical car to drive in 4 seasons.